***church update*** 

updated 3rd July

Dear church family

As you may be aware, the government released advice and guidance this week to enable places of worship to begin opening as from 4th July, in a COVID-19 secure manner. The advice covers a number of important aspects on what is allowed, and what isn’t allowed in order to keep people safe, (as every church building is different so plans for each church will need to be unique).  

As Pastors and deacons we wanted to keep you updated as much as we can on where we are with our preparations.    So far we have had a number ZOOM meetings discussing the way forward, and more recently this week we discussed the new government guidance and how this will effect Waldringfield Baptist Church, as we are keen to resume meeting together once again.  

 We are mindful we would only want meetings to begin to partially resume when we have safe routines and procedures in place, and preparation’s in the church layout are ready.  There are a number of practices and procedures that need to be followed, and a lot to organise before we can even think about reopening (for example, how we distance ourselves while on the premises, how our services will be conducted, arriving and  leaving church to name just a few).  Obviously this will take a little time to work through, as we have to get it right and open in a way that is responsible and in a way that is safe.    

It’s not an ideal situation to be in, but we are encouraged that at least there is some light at the end of what has been a very dark tunnel.   In the short term, even when we do resume some kind of fellowship at the church building, it will of course be done in a Covid-19 secure way.  And while we share your frustration (as we too look forward to the day when we can once again worship the God we love in the building we love), we are mindful of our responsibility is to make sure everything is done to keep people safe, and would not want our enthusiasm to leave anyone at risk.  
As soon as things change we will update you, in the meantime please continue to pray that the gospel message that is going out to thousands of people through the live stream would continue to change hearts and lives, and that as God’s people we would be patient and trust in His ways, which are perfect.   Thank you for all your ongoing support and prayer.    
In Christian love
The Pastors and Deacons